
The UN defines 自然的解决方案, 或国家统计局, 作为“保护行动”, 节约, 恢复, sustainably use and manage natural or modified terrestrial, 淡水, 海岸和海洋生态系统". They go on to note that all NbS “address social, economic and environmental challenges effectively and adaptively, while simultaneously providing human well-being, 生态系统服务, resilience and biodiversity benefits.“从商业角度来看, this means that NbS can solve both societal and company challenges by enabling ecosystems to thrive, delivering a wide range of services to nature (世界自然保护联盟),人们(联合国环境规划署/国际劳工组织/世界自然保护联盟)和气候(联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会). 在WBCSD, our members work together to underst和 many facets of NbS, how to recognise its true value to a company, and how best to finance and deliver NbS.


    如水务署的 2050年正规博彩十大网站:是时候转型了, unprecedented global risks and crises continue to build: we are facing a perfect storm in the form of a climate emergency, 处于危机状态的大自然, and mounting inequality and social unrest. 自然的解决方案, when designed well and delivered well, offer positive impacts on all three – but achieving this at scale is not straightforward. Recognising and measuring the different sources of value provided by NbS is challenging, and making a case for investment relies upon this step.


    The 气候 agenda is rapidly gaining momentum; the 自然 agenda is not far behind, and a common approach on Equity action will likely follow. New regulations (such as the EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive) and independent bodies (like Science Based Targets for 自然) are pushing businesses to act. 如下所示 气候驱动积极的路线图, 在其他工作中, our current situation is creating new strategic priorities even as it highlights risks and opportunities tied to companies’ impacts and dependencies on natural ecosystems. The value add differs from one 自然-based Solution to another, but many NbS can deliver for multiple strategic priorities (e.g. 自然 and 气候) while offering risk mitigation and opportunity creation (e.g. through improved performance from value chain partners).


    The objective of this workstream is to enable implementation and investment in 自然的解决方案 at scale. 为了达到这个目的, members work together to identify the challenges facing businesses who are looking to deploy NbS, and share tools and approaches they have used to make progress. 重要的是, this includes how companies can collaborate with each other 和ir value chain partners, as well as a network of experts and other initiatives working in the NbS space. Working within and alongside frameworks such as 气候驱动 和 积极的路线图, this enables companies to integrate NbS within their action on 气候, 自然, 和股票.

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